Anthracite vs Normal Coal

Are you having trouble identifying anthracite coal from regular coal? It's not just you. People may confuse these two forms of carbon, thinking they're the same. Anthracite is different from normal carbon in some important ways. Take a closer look at these differences and see how they affect your daily life. Anthracite Coal and Normal Coal The anthracite is a shiny, hard coal that contains a high amount of carbon. It also has fewer impurities. It is a fuel that cannot be renewed because the process can take many years. The anthracite coal use is used primarily for steel production and heating of buildings. It is used to filter water and as landscape mulch. Coal also contains carbon. The coal in this coal is "younger" and less refined. The main use of coal is to produce electricity. Coal is made from this soft coal. Steel manufacturers prefer coke because it burns cleaner and more hotly. Differentiation between Anthracite Coal and Normal Coal Chemical Composition Ant...